EscrevaT (True) ou F (False): Iceland – Land of Fire and Ice I...

EscrevaT (True) ou F (False): Iceland – Land of Fire and Ice Imagine you are on vacation on this interesting island. The weather changes a lot here. It’s sunny in the morning, cloudy or rainy in the afternoon, and sunny again in the evening. Where are you? Are you in Hawaii? Are you in Puerto Rico? No. You are in Iceland! Iceland is an island in the North Atlantic Ocean. Do you know that in the summer, it’s sunny for 20 hours a day? But in the winter, the weather is terrible. It’s dark for 19 or 20 hours a day. What can you do for fun in Iceland? Well, you can do many things outdoors. Canoeing and fishing are very popular. There are also many beautiful mountains. Some of the mountains are volcanoes. You can climb these mountains or explore caves. At the end of the day, when you’re tired and you want to relax, you can go swimming in the Blue Lagoon, a huge hot spring. The temperature in the Lagoon is hot. Some people think that the water can help sick people. After swimming, you can go to a café and go dancing to the famous Björk. Think about Iceland for your next vacation – it’s awesome! a) ( ) The weather changes a lot in the island. b) ( ) It’s light 20 hours in the summer. c) ( ) We can go to dance clubs for fun. d) ( ) We can go swimming in the Green Lagoon.

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