Escreva os verbos no future (going to) a) susan and i(tell/not...

Escreva os verbos no future (going to)
a) susan and i(tell/not) you the secret.
(? .
c) we ( to our party.
d) greg (work/ abroad.
e) her parents ( her any more money.

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A) Susan and I won´t (will not) tell you the secret.
b) Will they ring me?
c) We´ll (we will) invite him to our party.
d) Greg won´t (will not) work abroad.
e) Her parents will lend her any more money. - Esta frase não cai bem, por que, neste caso, o ANY implicaria negativa. Então, para ficar correto, teríamos 2 opções:
1. Her parents won´t lend her ANY more money.
2. Her parents will lend her SOME more money.​
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