Escreva as frases no “Present Continuos” e tradução para o afi...

Escreva as frases no “Present Continuos” e tradução para o afirmativo:

1. John / play / football at the moment
2. we/ read / the newspaper
3. I/ talk / to my teacher now
4. she/ cook / pasta for dinner
5. Paul and I/ work / in the garden
6. I/ use / the phone now
7. Mike / listen /to the radio
8. we/ build / a house
9. Joe and Lucy / dance / together
10. Dan and I / chat / now
11. she / work / late tonight
12. the children / hide / in the garden
13. the baby / sleep / now
14. they / feed / the dogs
15. he / wait / in the living room

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1 - John is playing football at the moment

2 - We are reading the newspaper

3 - I am talking to my teacher now

4 - She is cooking pasta for dinner

5 - Paul and I are working in the garden

6 - I am not using the phone now

7 - Mike isn't listening to the radio

8 - We aren't building a house

9 - Joe and Lucy aren't dancing together

10 - Dan and I aren't chatting now

11 - Is she working late tonight?

12 - Are the children hiding in the garden?

13 - Is the baby sleeping now?

14 - Are they feeding the dogs?

15 - Is he waiting in the living room?

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