ENGLISH TEXT Like a lot of ideas, chewing gum developed when a...

ENGLISH TEXT Like a lot of ideas, chewing gum developed when an inventive person was trying to develop something else. In 1870, Thomas Adams was trying to create a substance similar to rubber. He knew in the past natives of Mexico had enjoyed chewing chicle, which was the gum of sapodilla tree; he though that this chicle might possibly be useful as a replacement for rubber. While he was working with it, he decided to try chewing it, just as had been done in Mexico. He enjoyed the sensation and decided that he should try selling it. Unfortunately, however, not many people bought it. He then improved the product by adding flavorings and sugar to it, and he gave out free samples until the product caught on. Though he never succeeded in his original search for a replacement for rubber, he became highly successful as a chewing gum producer.

Questions: Choose one of the alternatives available for each question. Only one choice can be selected.

Which of the following is NOT true about chicle?

a) It’s part of the rubber plant.
b) Some people like chewing it.
c) It comes from a tree.
d) Adams thought he might find a use for it.

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