ENGLISH TEST (Simple Present) 1. Liste 3 atividades que você f...

ENGLISH TEST (Simple Present)
1. Liste 3 atividades que você faz com frequência, na 1° pessoa. Em seguida, passe as frases para a 3º pessoa.

2. Identifique e destaque os verbos no Simple Present: "Most people don't like bugs, but Doctor Mark Moffet loves them! In fact, his nickname is Doctor Bugs.

He's a photographer and an entomologist. An entomologist studies bugs. Doctor Moffett's favorite bug is the ant. He goes all over the world to study ants. He watches them as they eat, work, rest, sleep, and fight. He takes photographs of the ants. He lies on the ground with his camera and waits for the right moment. The ants and other bugs often bite him, but that doesn't stop Doctor Bugs. He has an interesting and unusual job, and he loves it!"

3. Circule a forma correta dos verbos para completar as frases:
a) Denise love/loves her job.
b) We study/studies hard.
c) The shopping mall close/closes at 10:00 p.m.
d) He take/takes art classes.
e) She work/works at a bank.
f) You and Greg travel/travels on weekends.
g) It rain/rains a lot in March.
h) I teach/teaches English
i) We drive/drives to work
j) My brother live/lives in Switzerland.

4. Passe as frases da questão anterior para as formas negativa e interrogativa. Use o verso da folha ou o caderno para responder.

5. Leia o parágrafo. A seguir, encontre e corrija os erros. Use o verso da folha ou o caderno para responder.

"Iris is a reporter. She work for a newspaper.

She ask questions and writes articles. She don't drive to work.
She walk. She don't work in the morning. She works from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. She doesn't goes to bed early. She goes to bed at 1:00 a.m. She doesn't work on Saturday and Sunday. She relaxes on weekends."​

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1 -

I work hard every day.

I study a lot every Tuesday.

I always eat too much.

She works hard every day.

He studys a lot every Tuesday.

She always eats too much.

2 -

"Most people don't like bugs, but Doctor Mark Moffet loves them! In fact, his nickname is Doctor Bugs."

He's a photographer and an entomologist. An entomologist studies bugs. Doctor Moffett's favorite bug is the ant. He goes all over the world to study ants. He watches them as they eat, work, rest, sleep, and fight. He takes photographs of the ants. He lies on the ground with his camera and waits for the right moment. The ants and other bugs often bite him, but that doesn't stop Doctor Bugs. He has an interesting and unusual job, and he loves it!"

3 -

a) Denise loves her job.

b) We study hard.

c) The shopping mall closes at 10:00 p.m.

d) He takes art classes.

e) She works at a bank.

f) You and Greg travel on weekends.

g) It rains a lot in March.

h) I teach English.

i) We drive to work.

j) My brother lives in Switzerland.

4 -

a) Denise doesn't love her job.

Does Denise love her job?

b) We don't study hard.

Do we study hard?

c) The shopping mall doesn't close at 10:00 p.m.

Does the shopping mall close at 10:00 p.m.?

d) He doesn't take art classes.

Does He take art classesh?

e) She doesn't work at a bank.

Does she work at a bank?

f) You and Greg don't travel on weekends.

Do you and Greg travel on weekends?

g) It doesn't rain a lot in March.

Does it rain a lot in March?

h) I don't teach English.

Do I teach English?

i) We don't drive to work.

Do we drive to work?

j) My brother doesn't live in Switzerland.

Does my brother live in Switzerland?

5 -

"Iris is a reporter. She works for a newspaper.

She asks questions and writes articles. She doesn't drive to work.

She walks. She doesn't work in the morning. She works from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. She doesn't go to bed early. She goes to bed at 1:00 a.m. She doesn't work on Saturday and Sunday. She relaxes on weekends."​

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