Do you live with your parents? yes, i live with you ar...

Do you live with your parents? yes, i live with them.
do you argue with your sister? no, i don't orgue with her.
how often do you talk to your father? i talk to him every night.

1. do you like romantic movies?
2 do your parents know the teacher?
3. do her parents know you and bil?
4. do your friends know your parents?
5. do you have your book?
6. do you help your mother?
7. do your classmates understand me?
8. do you understand us?
9. do you know your dassmates?
10. do you play with your brother?
11. do you help your grandparents?
12. do you understand russian?
13. do you like snakes? ​

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1. yes, I like it romantic movies.

2. no, they don't my teacher.

3. no they don't know i and Bill

4. yes my friends know my parents

5. yes I have my book

6. yes I help my mother

7. I think they understand you.

8. yes I understand you.

9. no I don't know my classmates.

10. no I don't play with my brother.

11. no I don't understand in Russian.

12. no I don't like snakes.

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