Dear Ms. Gerardi, Today I read a book called Just Kidding by T...

Dear Ms. Gerardi,
Today I read a book called Just Kidding by Trudy
Ludwig. This book is a fiction book because it didn't
really happen.
The main character in this book is D. J. D. J. is a
nice boy who has a problem. There is a mean bully at
his school named Vince who likes to pick on D. J. and
some other kids. He always says he is just kidding, but
his words are really hurtful. D. J. talks to his dad and
teacher about his problem. He stands up for another
boy that Vince was bullying. He also decides to stop
hanging around Vince and chooses nicer friends.
I like this book because it reminds me about
how kids act at school sometimes. I want to be like
D. J. and always stick up for kids who are getting

Dear Ms. Gerardi, Today I read a book called Just Kidding by Trudy Ludwig. This book is a fiction bo

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Dear Ms. Gerardi,

Today I read a book called Just Kidding by Trudy

Ludwig. This book is a fiction book because it didn't

really happen.

The main character in this book is D.J. D.J. is a

nice boy who has a problem. There is a mean bully at

his school named Vince who likes to pick on D.J. and

some other kids. He always says he is just kidding, but

his words are really hurtful. D.J. talks to his dad and

teacher about his problem. He stands up for another

boy that Vince was bullying. He also decides to stop

hanging around Vince and chooses nicer friends.

I like this book because it reminds me about

how kids act at school sometimes. I want to be like

D.J. and always stick up for kids who are getting




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