Dear friends, i am not writing from washington, i’m writing fr...

Dear friends, i am not writing from washington, i’m writing from london now. it’s a beautiful morning and the sun is shining. it is not reining now. it’s half past eleven and i am standing in front of buckingham palace, the queen’s home in london. there are a lot of tourists here, from all over the world. we are watching the great show. they are changing the guard. the band is playing and the soldiers are marching. i am taking a picture. you are looking at it now! love, mary 1- de acordo com o texto, onde está mary? 2- de acordo com mary o sol está 3- qual é o grande show que ela está assistindo? 4- a que horas ela para em frente ao palácio de buckingham? 5- mary tira uma foto do quê? 6- que gênero textual é esse? a- ( ) um anúncio b- ( ) uma notícia c- ( ) uma carta 7- escreva as formas negativa e interrogativa da frase em destaque no texto. n: i: 8- nas imagens abaixo, diga o que as pessoas estão fazendo: a- we/ to sing b- he to surf on the internet a- b- nas frases abaixo, marque a opção que está de acordo com a palavra em destaque: 9- the burning of coal, gasoline, and gas adds to air pollution. a- ( ) queima b- ( ) queimado 10- reading is one of the four linguistic skills. a- ( ) ler b- ( ) ler 11- the boys are running in the park. a- ( ) correndo b- corrida 12- running shoes are generally more expensive than common shoes. a- ( ) correndo b- ( ) corrida 13- you should always warm up before and after running a- ( ) correr b- ( ) correndo 14- complete com o sufixo ity e traduza: curious: t: real: t: national: t: 15- complete com o sufixo ly e traduza: literal: t: different: t: real: t: 16- complete com o sufixo al e traduza: organization: t: education: t: nation: t: 17- os “discourse makers” em destaque indicam: a- amyr klink is in new york, but he isn1t alone. b- when i was a child, i played ball very well. c- carol is goingo to visit your family, where he was d- i go from boa esperança to salvador. e e- it was created by human beings. f- on sunday g- in july h- at 18 o'clock i- at the park. j- in k- on main street l- in m- on 2nd may 18- complete with simple present tense: (complete com o presente simples) a- we the newspaper in class every day. (to read) b- he in the school. (to work) c- she in rio de janeiro. (to live) d- he to visit caracas. (to want) 19- observe a frase: “anne likes chocolate cake.” o verbo em destaque está: a- ( ) na primeira pessoa do singular b- na segunda pessoa do plural c- ( ) na terceira pesssoa do plural d- na terceira pessoa do singular. 19- enumere a 2ª coluna de acordo dom a 1ª(observe a 3ª pessoa do singular): 1- say 2- read 3- try 4- kiss 5- cry 6- run 7- drive 8- go 9- play 10- mix ( ) mixes ( ) goes ( ) pays ( ) drives ( ) cries ( ) runs ( ) kisses ( ) reads ( ) tries ( ) says

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Vo colocar o que der

1- em Londres
3-a troca de soldados
4-Onze e meia
5-do grande show
7- tá faltando a frase
8-falta as imagens​
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