. Continue completando com com DO ou DOES (sentenças negativas...

. Continue completando com com DO ou DOES (sentenças negativas) 1. I not like living here.

2. Mary and John not work here anymore.

3. Sarah not speak English.

4. Richard not play soccer on Mondays.

5. We not go out very often.

6. You not have to do this.

7. She not like pizza.

8. They not study Spanish anymore.

9. Susan, Paul, and I not work there any longer.

10.I not think this is right.​

1 Resposta

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Vinyvlkps Isabele

1. I do not like living here. 2. Mary and John do not work here anymore. 3. Sarah does not speak English. 4. Richard does not play soccer on Mondays. 5. We do not go out very often. 6. You do not have to do this. 7. She does not like pizza. 8. They do not study Spanish anymore. 9. Susan, Paul, and I do not work there any longer. 10. I do not think this is right.​
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