Conteúdo: Uso de Either, Neither, Too, So e As Well. 01 - Comp...

Conteúdo: Uso de Either, Neither, Too, So e As Well. 01 - Complete as frases utilizando o nome em parênteses e o verbo auxiliar apropriado.

Ex: (Daniel)

Bob has a mustache and so does Daniel.

Bob has a mustache, and Daniel does too.


Doug doesn’t have a mustchache , and either.

Doug doesn’t have a mustchache , and neither .


Samantha was at home last night, and so .

Samantha was at home last night, and too.


Washington is on the West Coast , and so .

Washington is on the West Coast, and too.


I went to a movie last night, and so .

I went to a movie last night, and   too.


I din’t study last night, and neither .

I din’t study last night, and either.


Paul can’t speak Spanish, and neither .

Paul can’t speak Spanish, and   either.


I like to go to sci-fi movies, and so .

I like to go to sci-fi movies, and too​

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