Complete the conversation. Use the questions in parentheses.(...

Complete the conversation. Use the questions in parentheses.( What"s your name?, And how do you spell your last name?, Are you Ashley Nevins?, What"s your phone number?, How do you spell your first name?)A: Hi
B: No, I"m not.
A: Oh , I"m sorry.
B:Kerry Moore.
B: K-E-R-R-Y.
B: It"s ( 618)555-7120.

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Silvana Lins

A : Hi , are you Ashley Nevins !

B : No , I'm not .

A : Oh , I'm sorry . What's your name !

B : Kerry Moore

A : And how do you spell your first name !

B : K-E-R-R-Y

A : How do you spell your last name !

B : M-O-O-R-E

A : What's your phone number!

B : It's ( 618 ) 555 -71 20


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