Complete the conditional sentencesbelow. Remember to add a mo...

Complete the conditional sentencesbelow. Remember to add a modal verb ifthe sentence is First Conditional.(Complete as Orações Condicionaisabaixo. Lembre-se de adicionar o ModalVerb se a sentença estiver na PrimeiraCondicional)Example: If we (to go) ___ to the grocerystore, I (to buy) milk. = If we goto the grocery store, I will buy milk. a) If you go to the grocery store, ___ (tobuy) me some vodka. b) If I talk to your dad, I (ask) himto call you. c) If plants don’t have water, sunlight andsoil, they (to die).d) If I leave work early, we (to go)to the movies. e) If you have the time, ___ (to call) yourmother. f) If we (to send) aninvitation, our friends (tocome) to our party. g) He (not/to understand)you if you (to whisper).h) They (not/to survive)
inthe desert if they (not/totake) extra water with them. i)
If you (to press) CTRL + s, you (to save) the file. j) You (to cross)
the Channelif you (to fly) from Paris toLondon. k)
Fred (to answer)
thephone if his wife (to have) abath. l) If
Claire (to wear) this dress at theparty, our guests (not/tostay) long. m)
If I (to touch) this snake,
mygirlfriend (not/to scream).n)
She (to forget) to
pick youup if you (not/to phone)
her. o) I (to remember)
you if you (to give) me a photo

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