Complete o texto sobre a campeã de tênis Serena Williams, a at...

Complete o texto sobre a campeã de tênis Serena Williams, a atleta indiscutivelmente mais forte e talentosa de todos os tempos, que em 2018 foi reduzida a um estereótipo irracional de "mulher negra raivosa". We all remember the U. S. Open in September 2018, when tennis champion Serena Williams (receive) a series of code violations, including one for slamming her racket and receiving coaching, which ultimately cost her the match. When Williams (try) to complain to the umpire, she (be) accused of having a "meltdown" and mocked for having a "tantrum." Williams is arguably the strongest, most accomplished athlete of all time — and yet, she was still reduced to an irrational, "angry Black woman" stereotype. Disponível em: . Acesso em 20 de Ago. 2020. Adaptado. Escolha uma: a. receive / try / be b. receives / tries / is c. received / tried / was d. receiveed / tryed / was e. received / tried / were

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