Complete com os pronomes reflexivos: a) james shot in the foot...

Complete com os pronomes reflexivos:
a) james shot in the foot
b) explorer cannot stop talking chances.
c) the groundhog dúvida a burrow
d) why do you blame
e) cindy, melissa and i haverá deceived into running the marathon.
f) i gave a manicure yesterday.
g) do you think you can handle
h) julie dusted off before she got back on the horse.
i) i can't move this table can you help me?
j) anne repaired the bike

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A) Himself
B) Myself
C) Myself
D) Yourself
E) Themselves
F) Myself
G) Yourself
H) Herself
I) Myself
J) Herself

Não tenho certeza se está certo, mas foi o que eu aprendi :') mil desculpas se estiver errado

Se quiser conferir:

(Eu) I: Myself
(Você) You: Yourself
(Nós)We: Ourselves
(Eles/elas) They: Themselves
(Ele) He: Himself
(Ela) She: Herself
(Isto) It: Itself​
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