Complete com os pronomes pessoais em inglêsa school...

Complete com os pronomes pessoais em inglês
a student.
at school
a teacher​

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Complete as frases com os pronomes pessoais em inglês: he, she, it, we, they . E faça a tradução das frases para o português:

a) Mike is ten years old.

he is ten years old.

b) Tim and I are friends.

we are friends.

c) Elena is a teacher.

she is a teacher.

d) The house is old.

it is old.

e) Carol and Pedro are from Spain.

they are from Spain.

2. eu não etendi

3. Complete com o verbo to be (am, is ou are).

Hello, I am Nick and this is Peter. We are friends. Peter are nine and I am ten. Peter and I are from Salvador. We are students at Anglo School.

4. Complete com is not (isn’t) ou is (‘s). E faça a tradução das frases para o português:

Brian is tall. No, Brian isn't tall. He ''sshort.

The cat is black. No, the cat isn't black. It 's grey.

Alex is a girl. No, Alex isn't a girl. He's a boy!

Zoe is ten. No, Zoe isn't ten. She's nine.

The box is big. No, the box isn't big. It 's small.

g) Alex is silly. No, Alex isn't silly. He 's funny!

5. Não lembro como faz

6. Escreva respostas curtas e reais para as perguntas abaixo.

a) Are you a student?

yes,he are

b) Are you eight years old?

No ,he aren'rt

Is your best friend tall?

yes ,it's

Is your mum from Minas Gerais?

No,is not

e) Are your cousins twelve years old?

No,he aren't

f) Is your teacher from the USA?

No,he aren't

obs:as respostas estão em negrito

esepero ter ajudado

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