Completa corretamente o texto a seguir no Simple Past. Yesterd...

Completa corretamente o texto a seguir no Simple Past. Yesterday my family and I (1) (visit) my grandparents. My mum (2) (help) my grandma with the housework. My dad (3) (clean) the windows. My brothers and I (4) (watch) cartoons on TV. Later, we (5) (play) outside in the garden. We (6) (not/climb) up the tree to get to the treehouse because my grandpa said we shouldn’t. We (7) (not/stay) there all afternoon, we left early. Then our mum (8) (not/forget) to call us because it was time to go. Our grandparents (9) (not/kiss) us goodbye because we had a flu and we (10) (not/return) home very late. What about you? What (11) you (do) yesterday? (12) you (go) anywhere? (13) you (see) your grandparents too? (14) you (have) some fun or (15) you (spend) the entire day in boredom?

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