Chose the best alternative that has the same meaning as the se...

Chose the best alternative that has the same meaning as the sentence bellow: *He will talk to his brother after school. a. He will talk to his brother after school.

b. He is going to talk to his brother after school.

c. He going to talk to his brother after school.

d. He is going talk to his brother after school.

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Opção B: He is going to talk to his brother after school.


Na "opção A" a grafia é idêntica, portanto não é uma alternativa válida.

Na "opção C"  há ausência do verbo "is" antes do "going", portanto está errada.

Na "opção D" há ausência da preposição "to" após "going", portanto está errada.

Resta, portanto, a "opção B" que não contém erros e onde "going to" tem sentido semelhante a "will" e pode geralmente substituí-lo.

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