Check the correct alternative1) i all my money in the shopping...

Check the correct alternative

1) i all my money in the shopping center.

a) could spend not
b)am not be able to spend
c) cannot spend
d) can to spend

2) cells themselves within minutes.

a) can reproduce
b) is be able to reproduce
c) cannot reproduced
d) are able to can reproduce

3) robots the work of 10 men.

a) is able to do
b) are able to do
c) can to do
d) could to do

4) mozart a symphony at the age of 12.

a) was able to compose
b) were able to compose
c) could composed
d) can composed

5) you me any question you want.

a) could asked
b) can to ask
c) can ask
d) are able to can ask

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Clara Caminha

Oi eu sei que é muito difícil aprender inglês tem um app muito maneiro chamado Duolingo​
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