AULA DO CMSP – 12.03.2021 0 - Segue o link: https://youtu. be...

AULA DO CMSP – 12.03.2021 0 - Segue o link: https://youtu. be/9hPJI8xy9CsAssistam à aula e respondam as perguntas:

A-) Answer these questions. (Use Present Perfect)

1-) How long has the United Nations been in existence?

2-) How long have you studied at your school?

3-) How long has his father worked for this company?

4-) What have you done?

5-) What have they eaten?

6-) Have you ever been to the United States?

7-) Have you done your activities?

8-) What has she cooked for dinner?

B-) PRODUCTION: Describe what was said about UNITED NATIONS in this class.

( Descrever o que foi dito sobre Nações Unidas nesta aula do CMSP.)​

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