Atividade 1) Identifique no texto a seguir, todas as ocorrênci...

Atividade 1) Identifique no texto a seguir, todas as ocorrências do verbo be no Simple Present. The Design Process Phase 1. Problem Identification This phase involves assessing, at a detailed level, what problem or challenge the web site is designed to solve. This includes: Purpose & Goals Why do you want a Web site? What is the purpose of the site? What is it trying to achieve? It is important to be as specific and measurable as possible. This will ensure it is possible to validate after a specific time whether the site has been successful or not, and what modifications might be necessary. User Identification It is important to interview potential users about their wants and needs. Web sites are often designed for designers and fail to meet the needs of the user. Always design with users in mind. You should know where your users will be located (home, office, cyber-café etc.), how old they are, what gender, what language, technical proficiency, Internet connection type, computer used, browsers used, etc.

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