Agora vamos falar sobre Simple Past(Passado) do verbo To Be. D...
Agora vamos falar sobre Simple Past(Passado) do verbo To Be. Diversas aulas abordaram esse assunto, que pode serresumido assim: usamos WERE (Quando o sujeito for: You, We, They) ou WAS (Quando o sujeito for I, He, She, It) Com base
nisso, responda as questões 1 e 2:
Al) Nelson Mandela is the first African President
B1 ) Nelson Mandela Was the first African President
CO) Nelson Mandela ARE the first African President
D( ) Nelson Mandela WERE the first African President
nisso, responda as questões 1 e 2:
Al) Nelson Mandela is the first African President
B1 ) Nelson Mandela Was the first African President
CO) Nelson Mandela ARE the first African President
D( ) Nelson Mandela WERE the first African President
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