A) Use either the SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT CONTINUOUS of the...

A) Use either the SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT CONTINUOUS of the verbs in parentheses to complete the sentences.

1. Kathy (sit, usually) ___________________________ in the front row during class, but today she __________________________ in the last row.
2. Diane can´t come to the phone because she (wash) her hair.
3. Diane (wash) ____________________ her hair every other day or so.
4. Please be quiet. I (try) ____________ to concentrate.
5. (Lock, you, always) _____________ the door to your apartment when you leave?
6. Look! It (snow) ____________________.
7. Mike (go, not) _____________ to school right now because it is summer. He (attend) ____________ college from September to May every year, but in the summer he (have, usually) _______________________ a job at the post office. In fact, he (work) _________________ there this summer.
8. Right now I (look) ________________ around the classroom. Ahmed (write) __________________ in his book. Carlos (bite) ____________ pencil. Wan-Ning (scratch) ___________________ his head. Reza (stare) ____________ out the window. He (seem) ______________ to be daydreaming, but perhaps he (think) __________________ hard about verb tenses.
9. After three days of rain, I´m glad that the sun (shine) _______________ again.
10. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn´t answered my letter yet. I (wait, still) ___________________ for a reply.
11. Barbara (tutor, often) __________________ other students in her Math class. This afternoon she (help) ________________Steve with his Math assignment because he (understand, not) ________________ the topic they (work) ________________ on in their class this week.
12. Look! It (begin) __________________ to rain. Unfortunately, I (have, not) _______________ my umbrella with me.
13. A: Where (be) ________________ Peter and Janice?
B: They (be) _________________out of town. They (visit) __________________ some friends in Chicago.
14. A: Who is that woman who (stand) ____________________ next to the window?
B: Which woman? (Talk, you) ________________ about the women who (wear) _________________ the blue and gold dress?
A: No, I (talk, not) ________________ about her. I (mean) _______________ the woman who (wear) __________________ the green suit.
B: Oh, I (know, not) ______________________. I (recognize, not) __________________ her.

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Silvana Moreira

1 - usually sits / is sitting

2 -  is washing

3 - washes

4 - am trying

5 - Do you always lock

6 - is snowing

7 - is not going / attends / usually has / is working

8 - am looking / is writing / is biting his / is scratching / is staring / seems/ is thinking

9 - is shining

10 - am still waiting

11 - often tutors / is helping / isn't understanding / are working

12 - is begining / don't have

13 - is / are / are visiting

14 - is standing / Are you talking / is wearing / am not talking / mean / is wearing / don't know / don't recognize

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