A. I have a_ B. I study with_C. I study at_.E. A:_my friend Mi...

A. I have a_ B. I study with_

C. I study at_.
E. A:_my friend Mike!
B:_, Mike!

F. I pencil but I don't have an_
G. how do you spell your_
H. you are the_today
I. I study_with my friend
J. I am _student
K. I have some_
L. the Study_s study at school.

M. A: how do you spell?
B: S - C - I - S - S - O - R - S

N. I am at school_ my friend and my teacher
O. you are a_ at this school.
P. the_s are my friends.
Q. My name is Kimberly, but my_ is Kim.
R. I have a pencil and ruler in my_

S. A: it's time to go! Bye!
B:_, guys!

T. you are my_ too.

A. I have a_________ B. I study with________C. I study at_______.E. A:________my friend Mike! B:_

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Lorraine Martins

Olá, o que é que é para fazer no exercicio? é para colocar por exemplo "I have a boy"?

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