A) Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1. In my opinio...

A) Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1. In my opinion, everybody must ... * resposta - 2. In my next vacation, I want... * resposta 3. My last vacation was terrible because ... * resposta B) Choose the best alternative. 1. There is man behind that car. man is not young and car is black. * O the - A - the O a - A - the O a - The - the O the - The - the 2. people in United States eat hamburgers almost every week. People in Germany, on the other hand, don’t have this habit. * O Much - the - ∅ O Many - the - ∅ O Much - the - the O Many - ∅ - the 3. We don’t recycle plastic in our country because there aren’t recycling centers. * O much - many O many - much O much - much O many - many 4. It is true that modern cars are than old cars. * O fast O the fastest O as fast O faster

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1: Be respect/ ser respeitado ou respeitável

2: Travel to Mexico/ viajar para o México

3: The biggest attraction was closed/A maior atração estava fechada

I don´t understand the letter B

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