6. But today. Dorothy and Toto were not playing. Uncle Henryd...

6. But today. Dorothy and Toto were not playing. Uncle Henry
doorway of the little house. He was looking at the gray sky and he was very worried. Then they
heard the sound of a strong wind. It was coming from the south. It whistled and roared. It blew
the long grass of the prairie until it was flat. There's a cyclone coming, Em!" Uncle Henry called
to his wife.
O texto narrativo utiliza muito os verbos no passado. E em inglês, de acordo com sua
terminação eles são chamados de regulares e irregulares. Copie os verbos em negrito e os
coloque na coluna abaixo adequada.
Ajudem pfv
obs:as palavras em negrito estão na foto​

6. But today. Dorothy and Toto were not playing. Uncle Henrydoorway of the little house. He was loo

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os verbos regulares somente os terminados em "ed" os demais são irregulares.


“verbos regulares” são todos aqueles que no Past Simple ou Part Participle recebem o -ed. Eles seguem as regrinhas e, portanto, são fáceis de aprender. Já os verbos irregulares são aqueles verbos que no Past Simple e no Part Participle são escritos de modo diferente.

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