5. Complete o diálogo com was, wasn't, were ou weren't. at the...

5. Complete o diálogo com was, wasn't, were ou weren't.at the zoo yesterday with my sister and her little boy. We
there for his birthday.
B: Oh
the zoo nice?
A: Yes, it
The elephants
they frightening?
A: No, they
just really big. What about you?
you yesterday morning?
at home. I
very busy​

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1-I wasn´t at the zoo yesterday/2-We were there

3-Was the zoo nice?/4.Yes,it was/5.The elephants were amazing!/6.Were they frightening?/7.No, they weren´t/8..They were just really big/9.Where were you yesterday morning?/10.I was at home/11.I was very busy


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