5-Complete com os verbos entre parenteses na sua forma de pas...

5-Complete com os verbos entre parenteses na sua forma de passado.Dear Susan,
I had an awful time yesterday! I_(go)to the leisure centre with Peter in the morning. I___(forget)my swimsuit so I_(not go)swimming.
Then we played volleyball with some kids from school. Our team___(not win)because Peter was a terrible player!After the game I___(break)my sunglasses and then I_(lose)my i-pod !
We___(come)back from work after two hours!

5-Complete com os verbos entre parenteses na sua forma de passado.Dear Susan,I had an awful time

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Dear Susan,

I had an awful time yesterday! I went (go)to the leisure centre with Peter in the morning.I forgot (forget)my swimsuit so I Didn´t  go (not go)swimming.

Then we played volleyball with some kids from school.Our team  didn´t win (not win)because Peter was a terrible player!After the game I broke (break)my sunglasses and then I lost _(lose)my i-pod !

We came (come)back from work after two hours!




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