5 Answer the questions about the text. a. Why do models need a...

5 Answer the questions about the text. a. Why do models need a doctor's note to work in France? b. How can you know that a photo was edited, according to the new French law? C. Why did the French health ministry create the new law? d. What is the normal BMI range for people? e. Which countries in the world have similar laws?

5 Answer the questions about the text. a. Why do models need a doctor's note to work in France? b.

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A) Because the models need to be certified that their Body Mass Index (BMI) is not too low and that they are in overall good health.

B) Because all the pictures that have been altered or photoshopped will have to carry a disclaimer to that effect.

C) Because of two measures: the first one is to avoid promoting unattainable ideas of beauty and the second one is prevention of yputh anorexia.

D) The average BMI range generally is between 18,5 asn 24,9.

E) The countries whish have similar laws are Spain, Israel and Italy.


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