4. Coloque as frases com os verbos regulares no passado para a...

4. Coloque as frases com os verbos regulares no passado para a forma INTERROGATIVA: a) It rainedlastnight.
b) Peter dancedthewholenight.
c) Eduard moved from France to Brazil.
d) He arrived from São Paulo lastnight.
e) He washedhiscarlastweek.
1) The boy payed for theapple?
g) Shestartedtoreadthat book?
h) Theyplayed soccer.
i) Sheallowedthisproposal
j) I helpedhimwiththelessons. me ajude ​

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a) Did it rain last night?

b) Did Peter dance the whole night?

c) Did Eduard move from France to Brazil?

d) Did he arrive from São Paulo last night?

e) Did he wash his car last week?

1) Did the boy pay for the apple?

g) Did she start to read that book?

h) Did they play soccer?

i) Did she allow this proposal?

j) Did I help him with the lessons?

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