4. A newspaper from Cape Town, in South Africa, asked some gr...

4. A newspaper from Cape Town, in South Africa,asked some grandchildren to interview their
grandparents. Read an excerpt from one of the
interviews and complete it with the correct form of
the verb to be.
braak testa
tipica da Africa do
carefree despre
it tooki lovava
Emmy: How did you meet Grandpa?
MINNIE: I met your Grandpa at a braai. We young and carefree and I never expected to meet
the man of my dreams at that moment. When I first saw him immediately knew
the man for me
Emmy: What Cape Town like when you little?
MINNIE: Hout Bay, where we live very different it like a fishing village, and it took hours to
travel to Cape Town along a narrow road along the coastlit felt like a different to
altogether. But Cape Town had the same vibe it has today always a very divers
city with people from all different kinds of races and cultures inceting up
Available at: WHEN we were young Molo Cape Town, Apr 20

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