3. Utilize os verbos abaixo para completar as perguntas. arriv...

3. Utilize os verbos abaixo para completar as perguntas. arrive cost go go to bed late 1 A: We went to New York last month. B: Where A: With some friends. did you stay 2 A: I was late for the meeting. B: What time A: Half past nine. happen have a nice time stay win 5 A: We came home by taxi. ? B: How much ? A: Ten pounds. 6 A: I'm tired this morning. ? ? A: No, but I didn't sleep very well. 7 A: We went to the beach yesterday. ? ? A: Yes, it was great. B: 3 A: I played tennis this afternoon. B: A: No, I lost. B: 4. A: I had a nice holiday. B: Good. Where A: To the mountains. ? 8 A: The window is broken. B: How A: I don't know. ?​

3. Utilize os verbos abaixo para completar as perguntas. arrive cost go go to bed late 1 A: We went to New York last month. B: Where A: With some friend

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Emilysamira Anthony

2) Did you arrive?

3) Did you win any rounds?

4) Did you go?

5) Did it cost?

6) Did you go to bed late?

7) Did you have a nice time?

8) Did it happen?

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