3 Use the prompts to make questions. Then answer the questions...

3 Use the prompts to make questions. Then answer the questions.
1. armchairs / bedroom: How many armchairs are there in your bedroom.
2. cushions / living room:.......….….………… in your living room?
3. toilets/house:..................... house?
4. chairs / kitchen:................................ ?


1 Resposta

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Giulia Eça


1. armchairs / bedroom: How many armchairs are there in your bedroom?

There aren't any armchairs in my bedroom.

2. cushions / living: How many cushions are there in your living room?

There are 3 cushions in my living room.

3. toilets/house: How many toilets are there in your house?

There is 1 toilet in my house.

4. chairs / kitchen: How many chairs are there in your kitchen?

There are 5 chairs in my kitchen.


Você precisava completar a lacuna com ter/haver (there is ou there are) na forma interrogativa e depois responder as perguntas.

As respostas estão em negrito, qualquer dúvida só dar um toque.

Se puder me dar a "melhor resposta" me ajudaria muito :)

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