3. Match the following jobs to their descriptions and requirem...

3. Match the following jobs to their descriptions and requirements. Write the answers in yournotebook as in the following example.
TIP Apoie-se em palavras transparentes e
Example: Joblid
em seu conhecimento do assunto para
compreender os textos.
a. Interior designer
b. Fashion designer
c. Public relations specialist
d. Computer systems analyst
e. International relations
Job II
Job Description: He or she communicates with the
public on behalf of companies, organizations or
governments. He or she is also called a media specialist.
Requirements: The ability to communicate clearly,
creativity, initiative, an outgoing personality,
Job I
Job Description: He or she helps a company or
other organization to use computer technology
effectively and efficiently. He or she incorporates
new technology into a company's current system.
Requirements: Strong problem-solving,
analytical, interpersonal and communication
skills; the ability to concentrate and pay attention
to detail,
Job Description: He or she creates
clothing, including dresses, suits, pants
and skirts, and accessories such as shoes,
for consumers.
Requirements: Sewing and
pattern-making skills; an eye for color and
detail and sketching ability.​

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