3- Marque a alternativa, que na mesma ordem, tem o plural corr...

3- Marque a alternativa, que na mesma ordem, tem o plural correto das palavras. FLOWER MANMOUSE - BOY -PERSON - CHILD: (1,0)
a) (..) Flower - Woman - Mice - Girl - Person - Childs
b)(__) Flowers - Mouse - Cat - Boys - Persons - Childers
c)()Flowers - Men - Mice - Boys - People - Children​

1 Resposta

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Luiza Mesquita

1. the mouse, the cat and the dog are running _in_ the house
2. The mouse is __in front  of__ the cat
3. The cat is _between_ the mouse and the dog ;
4. The dog is _behind_ the cat
5. The children are _on_ the car 
6. The mother is _on_ the car 
7. The turtle is _under_ the car .
8. The car is _in_ the garage
9. The father is _in_ the house 
10 . The mother and the children are _out_ of the house​
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