3. Look at the base form of the verbs. Read the passage again...

3. Look at the base form of the verbs. Read the passage again and complete the table with the past tense of the verbs. Then, complete the sentences
a-k with the past tense of these verbs. Use your notebook.
is _✍
have _✍
begin _✍
go _✍
become _✍
meet _✍
write _✍
run _✍
sell _✍
leave _✍
plan _✍
launch _✍
a) Paulo Coelho _✍ The Alchemist.
b) Marisa _✍ home at 7 and arrived at the office at 8.
c) Neil Armstrong _✍ the first man to walk on the moon.
d) Moacir _✍ his apartment last month. He lives in a beautiful house now.
e) The film _✍ and everybody turned off their cell phones.
f) Yesterday I _✍ to the park. I _✍ 10 km in one hour!
g) Gerald _✍ a terrible headache yesterday.
h) Peter _✍ his best friend in high school.
i) The computer industry _✍ many new products in the last decade.
j) Andy _✍ his trip to Egypt one year ago.
k) He _✍ a professional golf player last May.

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Commander Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.

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