2. a 1. Complete as sentenças condicionais do tipo second cond...

2. a 1. Complete as sentenças condicionais do tipo second conditional com os verbos entre parênteses. a) If (have) enough money I (buy) a yacht. b) He (be) happy if you (dance) with him c) If They (eat) something, They (eat) a pizza d) If she (want) the book, she (have) asked me before. e) If I (stay) home I (watch) TV all day long.​

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1) I Had.
2) Could Buy.
1) Would Be.
2) Dance.
1) Want To Eat.
2) Should eat.
1) Want.
2) Could Have.
1) Stay.
2) Should Watch.

Espero ter ajudado.​
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