1)write questions in going to future a)(he/cook dinner/tonight...

1)write questions in going to future
a)(he/cook dinner/tonight)
b)(you/run/in the race)
c)(they/climb/that mountain)
d)(she/exercise/at the gym/in the afthernoom)
e)(you/carry/that heavy box)
h)(he/play football/tomorrow)
i)(lucy/call/a taxi)
j)(you/sing/a song/for us)

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He will cook dinner TonightYou will run in the raceThey will jump that MountainShe will exercise at the gym in the afternoonYou will carry the heavy boxComputer will crashWe will eat fish TonightHe will play football tomorrowLucy will call a taxiYou will sing a song for us​
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