1. You and Daniel a good computer. (HAVE) a) ( ) have b) ( ) h...

1. You and Daniel a good computer. (HAVE) a) ( ) have b) ( ) has c) ( ) haves d) ( ) havies 2. Ana to school in the morning. (GO) a) ( ) gos b) ( ) goies c) ( ) goes d) ( ) go 3. The cats on the carpet. (SLEEP) a) ( ) sleeps b) ( ) sleep c) ( ) sleepies d) ( ) sleepes 4. The plane over the city. (FLY) a) ( ) flys b) ( ) flies c) ( ) flyes d) ( ) fly 5. The students the court. (LIKE) a) ( ) like b) ( ) likes c) ( ) likies d) ( ) liks 6. This dog with a ball. (PLAY) a) ( ) plaies b) ( ) plays c) ( ) play d) ( ) playes II. Marque as formas negativas das sentenças abaixo. 7. Caio and I study together. a) ( ) Caio and I don´t study together b) ( ) Caio and I doesn´t study together c) ( ) Caio and I don´t studies together d) ( ) Caio and I don´t not study together 8. He studies here. a) ( ) He doesn´t studie here b) ( ) He doesn´t study here c) ( ) He don´t study here d) ( ) He doesn´t not study here III. Marque as formas interrogativas das sentenças abaixo. 9. Ana finishes her work at 5 o´clock. a) ( ) Does Ana finishes her work at 5 o´clock? b) ( ) Does Ana finishe her work at 5 o´clock? c) ( ) do Ana finish her work at 5 o´clock? d) ( ) Does Ana finish her work at 5 o´clock? 10. Nowadays, you work in Rio. a) ( ) Nowadays, do you works in Rio? b) ( ) Do Nowadays, you work in Rio? c) ( ) Nowadays, does you work in Rio? d) ( ) Nowadays, do you work in Rio?

1 Resposta

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1. You and Daniel a good computer.

Alternativa: Have.

2. Ana to school in the morning.

Alternativa: Goes.

3. The cats on the carpet.

Alternativa: Sleep.

4. The plane over the city.

Alternativa: Flies.

5. The students the court.

Alternativa: Like.

6. This dog with a ball.

Alternativa: Plays.

II. Marque as formas negativas das sentenças abaixo.

7. Caio and I study together.

R: Letra A!

8. He studies here.

R: Letra B!

9. Ana finishes her work at 5 o´clock.

R: Letra D!

10. Nowadays, you work in Rio.

R: Letra D!

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