1. Use the expressions from the box to complete the spaces in...

1. Use the expressions from the box to complete the spaces in the dialogues below. You will use only five of the six Items.a bunch of

absolutely not

a bit

after all

1. Bill: This jacket is 559. Do you think it's expensive?

Ken: Hmm... It's

2. Liam: Do you have any books by George Orwell?

Noel: Yeah, I have

too bad

what happened

expensive. I want something under 550.

his books.

3. Shirley: I can't go to your party on Saturday, Jan. I have to work.

Jan: That's

It's going to be great.

4. Kendra: Can you tell me about the history assignment we have for homework? Michelle: Sure. You weren't in class yesterday. Kendra: I wasn't well yesterday.

5. Harry: Hey, Jake, I think I'm going to summer school this year. Are you going too?


I'm very sure I'm going to pass all of my classes this year.​

1. Use the expressions from the box to complete the spaces in the dialogues below. You will use onl

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