1. substitua os nomes pelo pronome apropriado. a) poter is my...

1. substitua os nomes pelo pronome apropriado. a) poter is my brother

b) the house is beautiful

c) my family and i are thin

d) the animals are wild

e) steven is a cute guy

f) my sisters are twins

g) my teacher and i are tired

2. Complete com as formas apropriadas do verbo to be

am, is, or, are

a) i a pupil.

b) shea teacher.

c) ita book.

d) theymy friends.

e) weare cousins.

f) ihight yeiars old.

g) lea policeman.

h) theytall.

i) youpretty.

j) ita wolf.

k) maryis my best friends.

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1. substitua os nomes pelo pronome apropriado. a) poter is my brother b) the house is beautiful c
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