1.- read the comic strip once again and pay attention to the f...

1.- read the comic strip once again and pay attention to the firts panel. then answer the question below in notebooka) Raed the alternatives below and the write in your notebook the one which as a similar idea expressed by the preposition ON.

■ what's going on?
■ All your clothes are one my bed.
■ My favorite movie is on right now
■ Help is on the way.

b) in the first panel of the comic strip and in the sentence above ON is used as

■ a preposition of movement.
■ a preposition of plase.
■ a preposition of time.

2.- What picture represents the sentence: HE IS GOING INTO THE CAR? Answer in your notebook.
a). o b).

exercício em livro
inglês time to share pag. 111

1.- read the comic strip once again and pay attention to the firts panel. then answer the question

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