1) Qual é a alternativa correta segundo o modal to have. A) *I...

1) Qual é a alternativa correta segundo o modal to have. A) *

I have to go to the supermarket

I to go go supermarket

I go to have supermarket

B) *

I to have buy bread

I have to buy bread

I buy bread to have

C) *

I have to go to the doctor

I to go have doctor

I doctor have to go

2) Reescreva as sentenças usando um dos modais... must ou should

A) I think you see a doctor. *

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B) You study more. I mean it! *

Sua resposta

C) Youfasten your seat belt, otherwise you will be fined. *

Sua resposta

3) Use uma das alternativas de linking words nas setenças a seguir.

A) The car broke down on the way. …………………… ., I managed to reach in time. *



In spite of this

B) Everybody had heard of Einstein, ………………… hardly anyone could understand his theory of relativity. *



of course

C) We like juice we prefer water *



Of course​

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A) ( X )  I have to go to the supermarket.

B) ( X ) I have to buy bread.

C) ( X )  I have to go to the doctor.


A) I think you should  see a doctor.

B) You should  study more. I mean it!

C) You must fasten your seat belt, otherwise you will be fined.


A) The car broke down on the way. In spite of this, I managed to reach in time.

=>  In spite of this

B) Everybody had heard of Einstein, but hardly anyone could understand his theory of relativity.

=> but

C) We like juice but we prefer water  

=> but


Have to

Have to é usado para expressar necessidade de faze alguma coisa

Sujeito + have to +  verbo no infinitivo + complemento.

Ex.: I + have to + go + now. / Eu tenho que ir agora.


É usado em situação em que as pessoas são obrigadas a fazer algo, para evitar uma consequência, normalmente desagradavel.

Sujeito + must +  verbo no infinitivo + complemento.

Ex.: We must finish our homework on time.

Nós devemos finalizar o dever de casa no prazo.


Para dar conselhos sobre situações, recomendações para falar sobre o que  é certo ou errado.

Ex.: I think you should  see a doctor.

Eu acho que você deve consultar um médico.

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