1. Ponha os verbos entre parênteses no tempo passado. Observe...

1. Ponha os verbos entre parênteses no tempo passado. Observe se o verbo é regular ou irregular. (0,8)


Interviewer: Hi Esther.
Esther: Hi.
Interviewer: How (be) your vacation?
Esther: It (be) great. I (go) to National Park.
Interviewer: What did you do there?
Esther: I (go) walking. I (see) a waterfall and I (climb) some
Interviewer: Did you visit your friends?
Esther: Yes, I did. I(visit) my friends Mike and Laura with friend Katie.
Interviewer: Did you have a good time?
Esther: I (have) a wonderful time.
Interviewer: Ok, Thanks.
Interviewer: Bye.
Esther: Bye.
2. Sobre o que Esther fez nas férias dela marque True
(Verdadeiro) ou False (False) (0,4)
( ) She saw some birds
( ) She saw a waterfall.
( ) She climbed some rocks
( ) She climbed a mountain.
3. Complete as sentenças com o Simple Past Tense dos
“REGULAR VERBS”em parênteses. (0,8)
a. I my friend yesterday. ( to visit)
b. Theya new restaurant last week. (to open)
c. The little boyyour question. ( to answer)
d. Youcomputer games yesterday. ( to play)
4.Onde Esther foi? Marque a opção correta. (0,20)
a) She went to the beach
b) She went to a National Park
c) She went to school
d) She went to New York.
e) She went to Brazil.
5. Qual é a resposta correta para a pergunta: “Did they like it?” (0,20)
a) Yes, you did.
b) No, they like not.
c) No, I didn’t.
d) Yes, they did.
e) Yes, she did.

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