1. Complete usando o comparativo ou o superlativo: 1. This ex...

1. Complete usando o comparativo ou o superlativo: 1. This exercise is (easy) that one. 2. The River Tagus is (long) the River Mondego. 3. This car is (expensive) of the three 4. Mount Everest is (high) mountain in the world. 5. Marie is (tall) her brother HE 6. This is (interesting) TV programme I have ever seen. 7. He was (thin) person in the competition. 8. Would you like to do a (difficult) exerase? 9. They say the weather is going to get (good) tomorrow. [重量 10. This is (ridiculous) thing I have ever heard. 11. That was (hard) exam we have ever done. 12. The economic situation s getting (bad) day by day. 13. This is (enjovable) experience I have had CAMERA 14. My car is definitely (economical) a Rolls-Royce. 15. A five-star hotel is (comfortable) a three-star hotel.

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