1 Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses no SIMPLE...

1 Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses no SIMPLE FUTURE: They married next month. (to get)

If I have enough money, I this apartment. (to buy)

The president a speech tonight. (to make / neg.)

you to school next week?( to go)

Sooner or later he here. (to come)

Patty this washing machine unless she receives her salary today. ( to buy/ neg.)

What time you at home? (to be)

Without fresh water we anything to drink. (to have/ neg.)

2 Usando o SIMPLE FUTURE, reescreva as frases de A a D e usando o IMMEDIATE FUTURE, as de E a H:
Bob drives to work with some friends.
The students are taking some difficult tests.
We thought about that wonderful film.
Did you play chess with your father?
Carl swims in the State Tournament.
Daddy sleeps after lunch and then he takes a bath.
The kids don’t play marbles.
Are we drinking some beer at John’s?

3 Coloque (C) se a frase estiver correta ou (E) se estiver errada:
My brother not going to be 45 years old in October. ( )
The phone is ringing! I’ll going to answer for you. ( )
I’m so excited! We are moving to a bigger house next month. ( )
I think my sister will pass the exam, she studies very hard. ( )
I am going take the kids to the mountains this winter. ( )
Are you doing the shopping this afternoon? ( )
Will mom cooking lunch? ( )
The children won’t play marbles on the playground. ( )

4 Quais as principais diferenças entre o futuro simples e futuro imediato?

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