1) Complete as frases abaixo usando os verbos em parênteses co...

1) Complete as frases abaixo usando os verbos em parênteses corretamente. 1. Tomomi is a hardworking person. She (wake up) at seven o´clock everyday. She
(take) a shower, (brush) her teeth, (get) dressed, (comb) her hair and
(have) breakfast. She (not have) a car, so she (go) to work by bus.
She (take) two buses and then the subway! She (work) from 9 to 5. She usually
(have) lunch in the cafeteria in the hospital. When she (leave) work, she (go)
straight to the gym. She (work out) until 7 pm. She ( get) home at 8. Then, she
(have) dinner, (watch) TV, (study) and (read) a book. She usually
(go) to sleep at 11 pm.

2. Joshua (live) in Belfast. He is an athlete. He (travel) all around the world on tours and
competitions. He is a rich person. He (know) a lot of countries. He (like) South America and
Asia, but he (prefer) Europe, because the country (have) a great history. He
(play) a lot of sports: soccer, volleyball, basketball, handball, golf, cricket and tennis. He also
(dive), (swim), (surf) and (cycle).

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Marlene Aguiar

1. She wakes up - She takes a shower, brushes her teeth, gets dressed, combs her hair and has breakfast. She does not have a car, so she goes to work bus. She takes two buses - She works - She usually has lunch - she goes straight - she works out - she gets home - she has dinner - she watches - studies - reads - goes to sleep.

2. lives - travels - knows - likes - prefers - has - plays - dives - swims - surfs - cycles.


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