1. Answer these questions in English. a) What was Luis de Cast...

1. Answer these questions in English. a) What was Luis de Castro doing when a loud blast split the air?

b) How many people were buried alive?

2. Retire do texto:

a) Uma oração em que o verbo esteja no Past Continuous Tense.

b) Três orações em que o verbo regular esteja no Simple Past Tense.

c) Duas orações em que o verbo irregular esteja no Simple Past Tense.

d) Dois conectores com seus respectivos valores semânticos.( por favor me ajudem)​

1. Answer these questions in English. a) What was Luis de Castro doing when a loud blast split th

1 Resposta

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Ana Júlia Carvalhal


a) Luis de Castro was installing lamps at a mining complex.

b) Tiago, George, Icaro - they and at least 154 others.


a) Luis de Castro was installing

b) As he watched, he figured it, Mr Castro clambered.

c) He said, the friend said

d) But - mas (adversativo) / when - quando (temporal)

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