01. Finish the following sentences using the reported Speech....

01. Finish the following sentences using the reported Speech. Observe the verb tense and the information from the previous charts.A) Elizabeth said: "Our family will travel to Salvador next week."
Elizabeth said (that)
B) Raul said: "I was fixing the roof yesterday night."
Raul told us (that)
C) Hanna said: "I visited Jerusalem two years ago."
Hanna told me (that)
D) Lisa said. "Tim was reading a novel an hour ago."
Lisa said (that)
E) Patty said: "My mother hasn't finished the preps for the party."
Patty said (that)

1 Resposta

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1 - must / might
2 - should
3 - might / should
Na frase 4 o primeiro *** está fora de lugar. Deveria ser depois da vírgula, assim: you *** leave. Com estas respostas:
4 - mustn't / can
5 - Can
6 - must
7 - might
8 - could / can
9 - could / don't have to
10 - had to / must / could
11 - should / might
12 - Can / can
13 - must
14 - Can / can
15 - can't / mustn't / should
A frase 16 é um pergunta. Deveria estar assim: *** you chew. Com esta resposta:
16 - Should
17 - must / can
18 - might
19 - Can / Should
A pergunta 20 não tem lacuna. Nas outras o que está em maiúsculo faz diferença.​
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