•Fill in the blanks with the present tense of the verbs in par...

•Fill in the blanks with the present tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1. i ________ (speak) Portuguese.
2. We _______ (come) to school by bus.
3. The bus ______ (stop) here at 8 o’clock.
4. it ________ (rain) a lot in Belém.
5.Writers _____ (write).
Philosophers ______ (think)
6. He _________ (swim) lots of meters.
7. Children _____ (like) chocolate.
8. Greg _____ (play) the guitar.
9. People ______ (use) the internet all over the word.
10. Aline ______ (dance) very well.

por favor me ajudemm! Preciso entregar amanhã

1 Resposta

Ver resposta
Denise Fonseca


1- speak

2- come

3- stops

4- rains

5- write

6- think

7- swims

8- plays

9- use

10- dances

basicamente igual está no parênteses, se não, bota um S dependendo do contexto e da palavra

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