The sketch shows a light ray traveling through a thin layer sa...

The sketch shows a light ray traveling through a thin layer sandwiched between two media. The indices of refraction of the media are such that there is a 180° phase shift between the incoming and the reflected
waves at the interface between media 1 and 2, but no phase shift between the incoming and the reflected
waves at the interface between media 2 and 3. (Note: This does not necessarily agree with the answer to the
previous question.) The index of refraction of the thin layer is n2 = 1.182 and the thickness of the thin layer is
325.7 nm. What are the longest and next longest wavelengths that are optimally transmitted by the thin
Give your final answers here, but also upload your workings for marks. Show clearly how your answer was
obtained and give your answer in nm.
a. Longest wavelength optimally transmitted:
b. Longest wavelength optimally transmitted:
Total: (5) (3 auto + 2 workings)​

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